Getting Unstuck

^z 27th January 2024 at 9:46pm

"Feeling Stuck? Here Are 5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Life." by Christina Caron suggests:

  • Do a ‘friction audit’: ... by identifying the things that create obstacles and add complications or stress ... To get started, try asking: Am I repeating certain patterns that are unhelpful? Are there certain things I do regularly that I don’t enjoy? The next step is to either trim away or smooth out each friction point ...
  • Reframe negative thoughts: ... [be aware of] “catastrophizing,” or thinking the worst will happen. Or [being] overly harsh with yourself [or] a case of “the shoulds,” as in: “I should have gotten more done at work,” even when you accomplished a good amount. ... Try to reframe your thinking. ... For example, instead of “I’m going to fail at this project,” you can think, “I’m going to do the best I can, and if I’m struggling I will ask for help.” Finally ... aim to evaluate your thoughts objectively: “I’m having this thought. What’s the evidence for it? And what’s the evidence against it?”
  • Try ‘futurecasting’: ... Imagine a future life where you are unstuck. ... What does it look like? How do you feel? Then think about the specific steps that would help you work toward that vision. Write those steps down — ideally by hand. ... Do at least one step each day if you can — but be kind to yourself if you cannot. If you skip a day or two, just start again tomorrow.
  • Share your goal: Telling other people about your plans can also be helpful. ... “Just the force of putting the words into the world now makes you believe — makes you commit.” ... The added benefit is that people may want to help you out.
  • Do something meaningful: Spending time on activities that align with your values “moves you forward if you feel stuck in completely unrelated domains of your life.” ... “We need meaning more than ever when we’re feeling stuck.”

... good thoughts, especially the second and the fifth!

(cf My Business (1999-05-20), My Religion (2000-11-06), Purpose of Life (2009-01-28), Beginning Mindfulness (2013-09-22), The Heart of Buddhism (2015-01-10), On Good Form (2015-02-08), Equanimity and Magnanimity (2015-02-19), ...) - ^z - 2024-01-27